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Numéro gratuit du Journal of neuropsychology

Le numéro de mars 2014 de la revue Journal of Neuropsychology est en accès libre. Peut être trouverez vous un article intéressant à lire ?

Le sommaire (cliquez sur les numéros de page pour accéder à l'article).

Elizabeth Warrington Prize Lecture

Time to get rid of the ‘Modular’ in neuropsychology: A unified theory of anosognosia as aberrant predictive coding (pages 1–19)

Aikaterini Fotopoulou

Original Articles

Assessment of performance validity in the Stroop Color and Word Test in mild traumatic brain injury patients: A criterion-groups validation design (pages 20–33)

Brian J. Guise, Matthew D. Thompson, Kevin W. Greve, Kevin J. Bianchini and Laura West

Autobiographical memory and episodic future thinking after moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (pages 34–52)

Katrine W. Rasmussen and Dorthe Berntsen

Revisiting the effects of Parkinson's disease and frontal lobe lesions on task switching: The role of rule reconfiguration (pages 53–74)

Angie A. Kehagia, Roger A. Barker and Trevor W. Robbins

Assessment of perception of morphed facial expressions using the Emotion Recognition Task: Normative data from healthy participants aged 8–75 (pages 75–93)

Roy P.C. Kessels, Barbara Montagne, Angelique W. Hendriks, David I. Perrett and Edward H.F. de Haan

Reduced audiovisual integration in synesthesia – evidence from bimodal speech perception (pages 94–106)

Christopher Sinke, Janina Neufeld, Markus Zedler, Hinderk M. Emrich, Stefan Bleich, Thomas F. Münte and Gregor R. Szycik

Where Am I? A new case of developmental topographical disorientation (pages 107–124)

Filippo Bianchini, Liana Palermo, Laura Piccardi, Chiara Incoccia, Federico Nemmi, Umberto Sabatini and Cecilia Guariglia

Limited predictive power of hospitalization variables for long-term cognitive prognosis in adult patients with severe traumatic brain injury (pages 125–139)

Maria Emília Rodrigues de Oliveira Thais, Gisele Cavallazzi, Douglas Afonso Formolo, Lucas D'Ávila de Castro, Roseli Schmoeller, Ricardo Guarnieri, Marcelo Liborio Schwarzbold, Alexandre Paim Diaz, Alexandre Hohl, Rui D. S. Prediger, Maria Joana Mader, Marcelo Neves Linhares, Angelica Staniloiu, Hans J. Markowitsch and Roger Walz

Brief Communications

Attentional control in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (pages 140–146)

John M. Hudson, Kenneth A. Flowers and Kerri L. Walster

Article first published online: 16 JAN 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/jnp.12008

Subtle cognitive deficits in severe alcohol addicts – Do they show a specific profile? (pages 147–153)

Frank A. Wollenweber, Sarah Halfter, Elisabeth Brügmann, Christina Weinberg, Edna C. Cieslik, Veronika I. Müller, Robert M. Hardwick and Simon B. Eickhoff

Le numéro compplet : http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1748-6653

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